

Please note that you can sign up for pre-events only if you are already registered as a participant or a non-presenting participant and if you paid the registration fee. 

Registration allows you to not only take part in the pre-events but also in the whole conference. Click here to register if you have not done so already.

Some pre-events require you to prepare ahead of time, so please await a detailed email with more information. Links to the meetings will also be sent to you in due time.

Please remember that all times and dates are given in Central European Time (CET).

All pre-events are free of charge for registered participants. The number of participants for most pre-events is limited, so we recommend that you register for them as soon as possible. 


If you have any questions about the pre-events or panels, visit our FAQ page.
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact us at
If you have questions about a specific event, please contact its host.

Artist's Book: visual essay?

Host: Mirta Kupferminc

Mirta Kupferminc is a multidisciplinary Argentine artist, a curator, a lecturer, a mentor and a teacher, who lives and works in Buenos Aires. Some of the recurring themes in her art are identity, literature, migration, human rights, and memory. She uses her Jewish heritage to extract from the culture a series of metaphors that go beyond an individual experience.

Date: June 26, Saturday (part I), July 2, Friday (part II)

Start: 3 pm CET (part I), 2 pm CET (part II)

Duration: 60 min (part I), 120 min (part II)


Number of participants: 12


This workshop is an invitation to rethink an idea and to develop a concept or a message in a visual language. Scholars focusing on memory studies are used to interpreting photographs or archival documents through their individual experiences. But how many other things can we communicate, if we combine the traditional approach with different artistic techniques? How many new paths can we open to the observers-readers? Can we give access to their own feelings and thoughts without formulating a thesis with words?

We can speak with images, with silences, altering the usual order of the words, or even using them as graphics. We can hold a broken old book in our hands and redefine it by adding to it, embroidering on it new images or lines.

This workshop requires preparation from the participants
Registered participants will receive an email with detailed information in due time. 

Inside the black box of cultural memory

Host: Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska

Magdalena Sayrusz-Wolska works as a research fellow at the German Historical Institute Warsaw, she is a member of the Memory Studies Association's Executive Committee. Her research fields are cultural memories in Poland and Germany, reception studies, visual history.

Date: July 2, Friday

Start: 3 pm CET

Duration: 120 min


Number of participants: 15


Cultural memory studies are dominated by political, aesthetical, and ethical approaches. We often study cultural representations of the past without asking how exactly they were produced. Although most of us precisely identify the inputs (i.e. events to be commemorated) and outputs (i.e. representations of the past) of cultural memories, the networks behind them remain under-researched. While many of the recent works in our discipline emphasize the role of the human actors, i.e. politicians, NGOs, or audiences, the non-human actants that contribute to cultural memories often remain invisible. 

The workshop aims at discussing the materiality of cultural memories with a special focus on the agency of technology. In particular, we will examine how the theoretical ideas deriving from infrastructure studies may contribute to memory studies. Our main focus will be on the text "How to infrastructure" by Susan Leigh Star and Geoffrey Bowker (2002), which the participants will receive prior to the workshop. Apart from reading the text, the participants should prepare short (max. two minutes, one slide) presentations of their current research emphasizing the issues of technologies and infrastructures of memory.  

This workshop requires preparation from participants
Registered participants will receive an email with detailed information about this event in due time.  

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