Marek Cichocki

Marek Cichocki – philosopher, political scientist and historian of political thought. He is Professor at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, visiting Professor at College of Europe in Natolin, Editor-in-Chief of Nowa Europa. Przegląd Natoliński (New Europe. Natolin Review), and the co-founder of Teologia Polityczna (Political Theology). He researches in the areas of the history of ideas, political philosophy, Polish-German relations, and European integration.

He was an advisor to the former President of Poland Lech Kaczynski from 2007 to 2010, where he was a Polish negotiator of the European Union Lisbon Treaty.

Cichocki's recent book North and South: Texts on Polish Culture and History (Political Theology, 2017; published in 2020 in Harrassowitz Verlag: Nord und Süd. Texte zur polnischen Geschichtskultur), which won the 2019 Józef Mackiewicz Literary Award, is a collection of six essays which explore the "ideological roots of the Polish identity" and "its sense and place in Europe." In it, he argues that the Polish community and form does not exist without being "rooted in the culture of the South and the heritage of Romanitas" or the quality of being Roman. Cichocki's other publications include The Problem of Political Unity in Europe (Warsaw: Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2012), and Power and Memory (Krakow: Center of Political Thought, 2005).

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