To learn more about how to attend panels and how to use our platform, please take a look at out website manual

Is the conference organized online? 

Yes, the conference is organized in a fully online form, so you can participate from any part of the world. If the conditions permit, we would like to organize some additional, non-mandatory events in Warsaw, about which we will notify the participants in due time. 

What language is the conference in? 

Our conference is organized on an international level, so every event and pre-event is going to be in English.  Due to technical issues, we are unfortunately unable to provide translations. 

Where can I find the newest information about the conference? 

All updates can be found on our main page, as well as on our social media. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Can I post about the conference on my social media?

Yes, you can! If you do so please be mindful and use the hashtag #MSAWarsaw2021.

What about time zones? 

All times and dates are given in Central European Time (CET). We did our best to accommodate people from every time zone, but still, there are events that might conflict with your schedule. Unfortunately, further changes in the program are not possible at this point.

Can I present my publication during the conference? 

Yes, you can! To do so, please contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org. Your publication will be displayed in our Virtual Book Table. 

I have not received any confirmation emails. What should I do? 

Please check your SPAM folder. Otherwise, contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org


How do I register? 

To register for the conference, please visit our page REGISTRATION where you can find further instructions. 

How do tickets work?

Tickets are similar to free passes which allow you to participate in certain pre-events. Registered (non-presenting) participants of the conference do not have to pay to sign up for pre-events. If you're not registered yet, you can do so HERE

Why do I have to pay both for the registration and for the MSA membership?

The conference is organized by the Memory Studies Association for its members, and thus you need to become an MSA member to be able to register for the conference. Doing so has benefits including getting discounts on books, being able to participate in future conferences, and having access to additional materials. Visit MSA's website to read more about becoming a member.
The registration fee allows us to cover the expenses of organizing the conference.

If you are joining us as a non-presenting participant you do not have to become the MSA member. 

Can I get a waiver?

We offer waivers for students, those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and those not supported by their universities/organizations. If you are interested please contact us at info@memorystudiesassociation.org

How can I become an MSA member? 

To read more about becoming an MSA member please visit MSA's website

Can I get a refund?

In case of cancellation, we will refund 50% of the conference fee until April 30, 2021. Unfortunately, after April 30 we are unable to refund fees and tickets. If you wish to transfer tickets to someone else, please contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org


Where is My Dashboard? 
Log in and click on "My Dashboard" in the main menu, on the top of the page.

I forgot the password, what should I do? 

Click on "Login" in the main menu and then click on "Forgot your password?".

I want to change the password. How can I do that? 
Go to My Dashboard and click on the "Change Password" below your picture.

How do I add/change my photo?

To update your profile picture go to My Dashboard. Hover your mouse over the picture and click "Browse".


How should I add/correct my affiliation? 

Go to My Dashboard and scroll down to the form with your personal information. Make the changes and click "Update Profile" at the bottom of the page. 

Why should I display my profile to the visitors? How can I do it?

Displaying your profile to visitors means displaying it to every registered participant of the conference. We recommend enabling your profile so that you and others can take full advantage of the features of the platform, like sending messages, scheduling meetings, and networking.
To display your profile to others go to My Dashboard and check the "Display your profile to visitors?" option.

I want to add panels to my schedule. How to do it? Where can I see it?

To add panels to your schedule click the orange "Add to my schedule" button next to the title of the panel. To your personalized schedule go to My Dashboard and click on My Schedule. 

What is a vCard? 

vCard is a Virtual Business Card that allows you to give and receive contact information from other participants.

What is matchmaking? 
Matchmaking is a networking feature of the platform which allows you to see other participants with interests similar to yours. Maybe you can send them a message?

How can I talk to other participants?

Send them a message! Go to https://msaconferencewarsaw.dryfta.com/my-messages or click on "Messages" in the bottom right corner of the page. 

Where can I see if I successfully signed up for a pre-event?

Go to My Dashboard and click on Tickets & Invoices. 


How can I find my panel?

1. To search for your panel, type its title into the search bar. If you have trouble finding your panel, please type in the search bar only one or two words from the title and search again. 

2. You can click MORE FILTERS and type your surname into SEARCH BY SPEAKER. 

I cannot see the program. What's wrong?
The program is available only for logged-in users through the link at the top of the page or through the link attached to the email. Please log in to have access to the program. 

Where can I find descriptions of the papers/panels? 

You can view a detailed description of the panels, as well as the speakers, by clicking on the title of the panel. 

I am interested in Genealogies of Memory/Working & Regionals Groups panels/Special events/Cultural program. How do I find them?

Go to MORE FILTERS and pick the event track you are interested in.

Why am I added as a chair to a panel?

Persons marked as Primary Authors during the submission process were assigned the role of a chair for that panel. Some chairs have been added at random to panels due to the lack of information. 

Can I be a chair during a panel? 

Panels with a "CHAIR TBA" are those without an assigned chair. If you wish to chair that panel, and it does not conflict with your schedule, please contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org.

Why is there another speaker in my panel? 

Some Individual Papers were added to panels so that everyone has the opportunity to present their paper. We were trying our best to match papers with the most suitable panels. 

I submitted an Individual Paper. How can I see what panel I am in? 

Go to MORE FILTERS and pick the title of your paper in SEARCH BY INDIVIDUAL PAPER. 

I cannot see all panels. What's wrong? 

Please make sure you delete the filters you have picked before.

Can I see the program in my local time / CET?

How can I see who is chairing the panel? 
Click on the title of the panel you are interested in, and then click on "Chairs" on the right side.

How do I add panels to My Schedule? 

Click on the orange "Add to my schedule" button next to the title of the panel you are interested in.

I do not see the full program. What do I do?

You can try a few things: 

  • Refresh the page, 

  • Click on a different page and then click back on the day you are interested in, 

  • Check if you RESET your previous searches

  • If you typed in the title of a panel and it does not pop up, try searching for it only by using one word or a short phrase from the title.

Can I search the program for a specific panel?

Yes, you can! Type in the name of the panel in the search bar above the program. If you click on MORE FILTERS, you can also look for a specific type of panels, cultural events, and many more!

I can only see some abstracts. Why is that? 

Some papers were submitted together as a panel, some panels were created from individual submissions, and other panels had some individual papers added to them. In the program you can read only the abstracts of individual papers. Panels submitted by the participants have their descriptions instead. 

Can I see more information in the program schedule? 

Yes, you can enable the "Expanded view" on the right side. 


What are the technical requirements to attend the conference?

The conference is organized in a fully online form, so it is crucial that you have a working laptop or a PC and a stable internet connection. Besides that, we recommend the following: 

  • If your connection is bad or there are a few other people using your wi-fi, consider connecting an Ethernet cable to your computer. 

  • Familiarize yourself with the conference website before the event. You can read our Website Instructions for some guidance. 

  • Avoid using the website on your mobile or in Internet Explorer, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. It works best in the newest versions of Firefox and Chrome.

  • Download Zoom to participate in the conference. It's not mandatory, as you can access the panels through your browser, but using the app can help with the quality of the connection and minimize the risk of your browser/computer crashing. 

  • Ensure that your camera, microphone, and speakers/headphones are in good working condition. Using a headset may improve the quality of your audio and microphone.

  • Make sure you are in a quiet and well-lit place such as in front of a window or a lamp and check if your camera lens is clean!

Is the conference organized on Zoom? 

Yes, partially. The conference is organized on software called Dryfta, and one of its features is Zoom. 

Do I need a Zoom account to access the panels?

No, you do not, as you can access the panels as a guest on your browser. However, we recommend that you download the Zoom app before the start of the conference, as your connection will be more stable and you will have more possibilities to engage in the conference. You can download it for free and read more about how to use it HERE. 

What is Dryfta? 

Dryfta is an event management software that we use to organize the conference. While registering for the event, you are also creating an account on the website where you will be able to see the program, attend events and chat with other participants. 

I can't log in / I have trouble joining a session, what should I do?

If you tried using a different browser and you still cannot log in, please contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org. If you are having trouble joining the session or with the quality of the sessions, please try closing any unnecessary apps or software running on your computer.

My bio was cut short. What happened?

Our provider had technical issues which led to some of the bios being cut short. We apologize for this and would like to ask you to fill in your information again. 

How can I make my profile public?
Go to My Dashboard and check the "Display your profile to visitors".


What are pre-events?

Pre-events are workshops and masterclasses that take place before the official start of the conference, on July 1, July 2, and in the morning of July 5. You can read more about them and register for them HERE

Please remember that all pre-events are free of charge, but you need to be registered for the conference to be able to participate in them. The number of participants for each pre-event is limited, so we recommend that prospective participants register for them as soon as possible. 

Do I have to pay for pre-events? 
No, all pre-events are free of charge but you do have to register as a conference participant and pay the conference fee.

I can't see the tickets for pre-events. What should I do? 
Log in and try again! The tickets are visible only to registered participants.

I want to sign up for a pre-event. How should I do it? 
1. Read about the pre-events  here.
2. Pick the pre-event(s) you are interested in.
3. Go to and buy a FREE ticket for the pre-event you want to go to. Please make sure you are buying the right ticket.

I signed up for a pre-event but turns out I cannot participate in it. What should I do?

Please contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org. You can transfer your ticket to someone else, but please remember that we do not offer refunds and that some pre-events require preparation. Since you paid the conference fee, you can still participate in the main conference.

Do I have to sign up for panels?

No. You can access every panel once you have logged in. However, you do have to sign up to participate in pre-events. You can do so HERE

How long should my presentation be?

Due to Zoom fatigue and to encourage discussion, we suggest that panel presentations last no longer than 10 minutes. The organization, configuration, and facilitation of roundtables, workshops, and special events is entirely up to their chairs.    

I can't attend a session. Will recordings be made available?

All panels are going to be recorded by us unless the participants of the session do not give their permission. Apart from that, some recordings are also going to be streamed to Facebook and Youtube. They will be made available to the participants after the conference.

Are the sessions live or pre-recorded?

We want all of our sessions to be live, but due to technical issues, some of them (like our cultural panels) may be pre-recorded. All post-session discussions are live and we invite you to participate in them.

If you wish to send us your pre-recorded presentation, please do so before June 15. 

Can I record sessions for my own purposes?

Unfortunately, you cannot do it yourself, but the recordings are going to be available after the conference. If you are interested please contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.com.

Remember that you can access discussions even after the panels have ended and you can find contact information for the speakers on our website if you have any additional questions about their work. 

How can I watch recordings of the panel? 
To watch recordings, click on the panel title you are interested in and then click on the red button "Watch Live". 

How long are the panels? Are there any breaks?

Each session will last 2 hours. There will be no breaks marked in the program. However, we encourage chairs to finish at least 15 minutes before the next session starts. After the formal conclusion of your panel (as determined by the chair), the informal discussion may be continued both, on zoom till the session ends and thanks to the Dryfta platform's networking capabilities.


I don't like the behavior of another participant. What should I do? 

We aim to create a safe space that gives our participants equal chances to learn, share opinions, and enjoy themselves. If someone behaves inappropriately, please contact us describing the details of your situation at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org.

Who is a non-presenting participant? 

A non-presenting participant is a person registered for the conference who neither presents their work nor gives lectures during the event. They can still attend and listen to all panels, ask questions, join discussions and take part in pre-events. 

What is the Virtual Book Table?

The Virtual Book Table is a place where you can see our supporting publishers' publications, as well as those of our participants. If you wish to display your own work there, please fill in this form before the start of the conference. 

What should I do if I have other questions?

Please contact us at conference@memorystudiesassociation.org.

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